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Critical Mass

Perhaps I'm on to something here. I was looking through the site traffic logs and I noticed that someone from Ferrero had visited my blog and read my entry about CCB. Perhaps prepackage CCB is just around the corner. This concerns me for a couple of reasons. 1st I don't believe the world is ready for such a powerful combination, 2nd this could possibly cause a bacon shortage. It's bad enough that I have to pay $3 for a gallon of gas, but $12 for a package of bacon might push me over the edge. Ferrero representatives didn't return our calls.

Chocolate Covered Bacon

The History of CCB Update (08/24/2008) - TWITastic Update (06/26/2006) - Critical Mass On a sunny day some friends and I had ordered some bacon cheese burgers for lunch. After a couple of bites someone commented on how bacon was able to make an already delicious hamburger even more delicious. This started a conversation on the power of bacon in-which it was able to make everything it came in contact with taste better. Whether it’s a filet wrapped in bacon, bacon on salads, pizza, or sandwiches it’s always that much better with bacon. We wondered if it was possible that any other foods had this special property. Someone quickly identified chocolate as a food with similar complimentary properties. Chocolate covered pretzels, strawberries, nuts, just about everything tasted better covered in chocolate. If both bacon and chocolate can make other foods taste better, what would happen if someone was just crazy enough to combine c...